Erectile dysfunction (ED) most commonly reflects endothelial dysfunction of the corpora cavernosa. Because the risk factors for ED have been determined to be the same as those for cardiovascular disease (CVD), the concept that ED might actually be a predictor for CVD has garnered some support.
Does erythropoietin worsen cancer death rates? Most hypothyroid patients can be replaced with levothyroxine alone without additional T3. Does aggressive control in type 2 diabetes save lives?
Bra cup size at age 20 predicts risk of diabetes mellitus in later life.
A second somatostatin (growth hormone inhibiting hormone) analog is available for the long-term treatment of acromegaly in patients who have not responded to other treatment modalities.
Simultaneously recorded leads II and MCL1 rhythm strip obtained from a middle-aged adult with heart disease. Despite this "run of VT", the patient remained alert, hemodynamically stable, and asymptomatic during tachycardia.
It was a provider's worst nightmare. An 86-year-old woman had just undergone surgery in Boston to replace a broken hip. As the staff prepared to transfer her to a bed, a nurse removed a safety strap, according to a media report.1 She then walked toward the patient's left side so a bed could be placed on the right side for the transfer.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis puts a special emphasis on educating its patients and staff about falls.
Facilities that offer bariatric surgery need to purchase equipment that can be used safely with those patients, says Michael Silverstein, MD, MPH, clinical professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle.
While there are no quick-and-easy solutions to ensuring effective infection control practices in the ambulatory surgery setting, there are steps managers can take, say infection control experts. Consider these suggestions: